Case Study 1 - Web Schedules

Client Profile

Consortium of public sector BC Trades and Apprentice offering institutions.


To publicly display all intake schedules for the general public in an interactive format using real-time data.

Functional Solution

To use a series of web services the insert data into a html formatted table and presentation wrap for real-time display.  Additionally, we created an interactive google maps feature with embedded tables to show where and when training was being offered across BC. This program map search view, allows the user to pick a program and check in real-time where this training is being offered across the province.

Primarily built using a SQL database procedures, web services, google maps software and

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Case Study 2 - Survey Web Reporting

Client Profile

Large post-secondary institution, lower mainland.


Development of custom web survey reporting tool, with a fixed report design and complicated data access filtering rules to limit users to certain course selections.

Functional Solution

Confidential web reporting tool based on survey results from distance education students. This tool was developed using a complicated login procedure to limit the data seen by coordinators to only their own areas. The reports were complex in that they included both graphics and custom statistical calculations, such as generating medians real-time. Primarily, we used, SQL Server and SQL Reporting Services to build the application.

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Case Study 3 – Web Schedules

Client Profile

Global Computer Games Developer.


Create a portal for the global Certification group to replace manual procedures and increase ease and reliability of certification submissions from the game teams.

Functional Solution

Create a portal that would allow entry of information needed by this global Company's certification team in order to perform internal certification on games. Each game release required multiple certification submissions so the portal was designed to minimize the amount of information needed for each submission. The initial submission for any game would require all documentation needed by the certification team. Subsequent submissions for the same game would only need to include information that was different from the original submission. The portal was also designed so that certification business rules would be enforced regarding types of submissions and the order of the different types of submissions.

Primarily built using PL/SQL triggers and stored procedures on an Oracle back end with a front end developed using Clarity.

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Case Study 4 - Form Examples

Web Data Entry Forms Example
Survey Comments and Data Combined Report
MS Access Data Entry Forms Example
Project Mgmt Tool Example
Systems Analysis
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